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Prof. Paola BADINO


Phone number: +39 0116709017



Phone number: +39 0116708878

Dr. Claudia GROSSO

Activites: she is responsible of the administrative practices (enrollments, transfers, degree applications, certificates).


Phone number: +39 0116708523

Dr. Mariangela TROVATO

Activities: she carries out the activities related to the planning of the training offer, the activation and management of study courses under the responsibility of DISAFA, the coverage of courses and collaborations for teaching support. She also takes care of the certification activities of the study courses (SUA-CDS), the evaluation of teaching and the compilation of ministerial databases. She collaborates in the organization of supplementary teaching activities and in the management of funds for the activities of study courses and the research doctorate.

Where we are: Palazzina Aule - first floor

Hours: Monday to Friday 9-12 and 14.30-16

Help desk service: (reserved for students that need to solve some career-related issues)

E-mail: (reserved for university staff, external bodies and future students)

Phone number: +39 0116708911 – 8505

Fax: +39 0116708506

Dr. Claudia GROSSO

The Orientation, Tutoring and Placement (OTP) activities are managed by the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (SAMEV):

provides information to secondary school students and freshmen, direct support to students of various degree courses. In the dedicated section on the SAMEV website> Orientation> Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences you can find:
- the Delegate of the DISAFA Director for Orientation, Tutoring and Job-placement
- the Coordinator of each CdS for Orientation, Tutoring and Job-placement
- contacts to request information

supports students during their studies through a dedicated desk

offers students and recent graduates support in research and in the activation of curricular and extracurricular internships, and accompanying paths in search of work.

Academic Coordinator for International Mobility of the Degree Course: Prof. Ezio PORTIS

For further information, consult the International Mobility section of the website of the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences.

Prof. Paolo GAY


Phone number: +39 0116708620

For the Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Sciences, it is possible to contact the delegate of the Director for disabled students and SLDs to obtain specific information on admission tests, exam procedures and specific educational paths.

Prof. Cinzia COMINO

Phone number: +39 0116708811


Further information:
SAMEV > Orientamento > Contatti per studenti con disabilità e con DSA
UniTO > Servizi > Pari opportunità, benessere e assistenza
UniTO > Servizi > Pari opportunità, benessere e assistenza > Supporto Psicologico

Prof. Claudio FORTE

Phone number: +39 0116709252


Last update: 19/11/2021 16:39
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