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The Quality Control System involves all the processes adopted to guarantee the quality of the degree courses at the University of Turin.
More in details, processes implemented by the Degree Course in the Animal Science are:

  • Annual SUA CdS Report (SUA CdS): a functional document for the planning, implementation, management, self-assessment and planning of the study programme. It collects the information needed to make public the outgoing profiles, education objectives, education path, learning outcomes, roles and responsibilities that pertain to the management of the study programmes QA, the conditions for the periodic review of its system, any corrections and possible improvements
  • Annual Monitoring:  it consists of a summary and critical comments on the quantitative and qualitative indicators provided by ANVUR. Monitoring is performed annually by the Self Evaluation Committee of the degree course of studies
  • Cyclical Review Report: in-depth self-assessment on the overall progress of the Degree Course with a view to defining strategies for improvement, outlining the distribution of responsibilities and scheduling interventions. The Cyclical Review is carried out by the Self Evaluation Committee
  • Annual Report by the Joint Teaching Commission: annual monitoring of the course self-evaluation processes is carried out at the School level.  The Joint Teaching-Student Committee of the campus School draws up comments/suggestions concerning the self evaluation process of the Degree Course and sends feedback to the Degree Course and comments to the University Independent Evaluation Unit (Nucleo di Valutazione).

Students are deeply involved in planning, monitoring and self-evaluation processes within the Committee.

At the Degree Course level, responsible for Quality Assurance are:

Last update: 07/12/2021 14:14
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